Thursday, October 6, 2011

How is Your Plan Going?

It's been a busy few weeks. Our children are involved in fall sports, so there has been a lot of running around from one event to another. Sitting down and eating together has not been a regular occurrence. There has been a lot of off time meals.

A schedule like this, which many people have, can be a real killer for your waistline! Eating late, and grabbing fast food, can start to add on the pounds. There doesn't seem to be time to eat right or exercise. What's a person to do?
Keep in mind that you still need to eat healthy. If you know you are going to have a quick eat-out meal, make sure you eat healthy foods for your other meals. Also, try to find something that is good for you on the menu, or at least not as bad as some of the items are. Make the time to exercise too, even if it means getting up a little earlier in the morning. Your willpower really needs to be strong, so keep your goal in mind!

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